Category: Technology

Leaders Of Crypto Industry To Set Up Crypto Lobby Located In Washington

A group of American companies that are based on blockchain and cryptosystem announced that they would form the Blockchain Association, the group first lobbying that would form the blockchain industry in Washington DC, the Washington Post reported on September 11. The Blockchain association is composed of industry leaders such as Coinbase, Protocol Labs, a technology […]

Traceability Problems Existing In The Seafood Industry To Be Solved Through Blockchain By This Startup

Fishcoin, a startup based on blockchain is planning to apply the technology called the decentralized ledger technology to the supply chains related to seafood, which links the fish farmers and fishermen at the point of harvest to the people involved with the seafood supply chains that are available globally that include the processors, distributors, retailers, […]

Leading Chinese Insurance Company Applies For Blockchain Technology Through A New Alliance

According to a press release on September 1, a major insurance company, PICC People’s Insurance Company of China, will deploy blockchain technology to its operations. PICC has partnered with a blockchain-based, VeChain platform and a global quality assurance and risk management firm, DNV GL, to make their activity more profitable and swift. In addition, the […]

Red Alert On The Illegitimate Cryptocurrency Fundraising As Issued By China’s Central Bank

China’s Central Bank has already provided some important insights regarding some of the blockchain schemes that are fraudulent in some way or the other, and have been advising the people through certain procedures in order to stop them from falling prey to such schemes. The bank has now started asking the retail investors as well […]

Open Blockchain Platform Introduced By China’s JD.Com, China’s largest retail and e-commerce player, has introduced an open blockchain platform that allows customers to function with their own blockchain-based solution to advance their efficiency, safety, and transparency. JD Blockchain Open Platform expands the retail business as a service and offers customers the opportunity to create smart contracts for both public and private […]

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